AWAKEN to their magic,
UNHOOK from shame, guilt & not-enoughness,
EMBODY unapologetically who they really are
Hello Beautiful Being,
You didn't end up here by Chance.
You're here for a Reason.

There's nothing wrong with you.
You don't need to get fixed
or get ready first...
you don't need permission to
unleash your deep feminine power!

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Join other magical women like you by opting-into our newsletter with a plethora of topics and resources for women leaders, who want to unlock their real potential. Receive my INSTANT ENERGY GUIDE FOR BUSY WOMEN in my first email.

the movement of women awakening
to what they really are
Women breaking FREE
from the chains of the "Good Girl" and
reclaiming their REAL power:
Lovers drawing from their own magic,
magnetizing their relationship with their
partners, children, and audience
Mothers rising from the darkness of the cocoon
and stepping into their new embodiment
Entrepreneurs boldly leading businesses
that NOURISH them, because they're
ALIGNED with their essence
their deeper womaness
Hi, I'm Christiane
I'm a German/ Canadian spiritual mentor and transformational coach for women, who want to unhook from the "Good Girl" conditioning and step into their real, feminine power in their personal and professional lives.
From my acreage in the Canadian woods, I help audacious women like you reconnect with their inner reSOURCEs and come back to their authentic selves - globally online and in land based retreats.
I founded Dragoness Rising™, The School of Deeper Womaness, as a sanctuary where women get to be truly seen, heard, and celebrated for who they really are... instead of having to hide their shadow sides or dim their light.
Somatic Neuro-Balancing™ is my cutting-edge approach to inner alignment and outer expression. It's my passion empowering you to step out of the vicious cycle of coping and gain freedom, resilience, and joy in the midst of your busy life.

I love Christiane's energy and way of being!
- Miranda de Haan

I see you. Your darkness isn’t a mistake.
It’s in the darkness of the cocoon that the metamorphosis happens. You are longing to shed perfection, break free from the "shoulds",
and rise with wings as the magical Goddess you really are.
You are called to embody what you deeply know and let the ripple effects magnetize everything around you.
"This is the only coaching space
where I feel really safe."
Bibi Van Neuss
(Dragoness Blueprint
Ways to work with Christiane
The Membership for Women who Want to Live and Lead from their Deeper Womaness
Personal Coaching that Meets YOU where you're at and Nourishes you Deeply
An Intimate, High-Touch, and Highly Customized 8-Month Mentorship Container for Women Leaders who want to Rise Above and Beyond

Retreats in our Nature Sanctuary
Over 100 Acres of Riverfront Wetland with unique Biodiversity in Rural Woodlands County, Alberta
Coming soon...
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